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How to retire

Meet the author
WELCOME and thank you for being here

If you've got this far,  you might like to know a bit more about me... so here goes. That's my photo on the right. I'm quite a private person so if you do respond, please be nice!

The point of doing this site is to share my own experience of life after full time work, after a working life that closely mirrors the non-linear pattern identified in the bestselling book, ‘The 100-Year Life’.

I've had six distinct careers at the last count, including periods as a journalist, independent financial adviser and pension trustee, giving me insight into the complexities of pensions and post-retirement finances.

I've been through redundancy and career breaks, refused some great opportunities and accepted others. And in retrospect I think I changed course at least once because I was burned out. So I hope I have some understanding of the turmoil facing many people in the time of Coronavirus, as the world changes around is.

Two retirements and a wonderfully varied lifestyle later, I believe passionately that later life can be as good as you want it to be – if only you take control. So don't let the minor matter of a pandemic stop you trying

Nim pension portrait 2 smiley.jpg
Nim Maradas


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